[CV Library] Improve and enrich filters and their selection in the CV library
in progress
Pauline Caillot
Today, Cvthéque filters do not make it possible to exploit and generate certain results:
- Incomplete status filters that do not allow you to filter imported or assigned candidates
- Impossibility to make a selection of masses in the folder filter in order to select all the offers
- Non-partitioning of certain information in the context of a multi-account, for example, when I select a company, in the “Offer” filter options all the offer files for all companies appear (Multiaccount)
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Martin de la Taille
in progress
Vincent Rault
Merged in a post:
Looking for assigned candidates
It is impossible to search, in the CVTèque, for the candidates we have been assigned. On the Offers home page, only the 4 last assigned candidates appear, impossible to see the others!
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